An Inside Look at Sensitivity in Queer Art

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"You read the book, you have a visceral reaction to things, you take note of it, and you bring it to the author..."
In anticipation of Shelley Thompson's novel Roar hitting shelves, Emma and Cyn take the opportunity to learn more about the process behind the publication of this fiercely anticipated novel. This episode, we're taking a peek into the world of sensitivity reading, and the sorts of insights this process gives to authors looking to properly represent marginalized communities in their works of fiction.

Emma and Cyn are joined by Ronnie Ali, a Registered Psychotherapist, Diversity and Wellness Consultant in the arts and entertainment production, a Trauma-Informed Practice Specialist with Challenge Accepted, and Clinical Supervisor at the Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy. Due to these exceptional qualifications and her insightful nature, Ronnie was chosen to be a sensitivity reader for Roar, and worked closely with Shelley Thompson to deliver a narrative that felt respectful, gripping, and authentic to the trans experience.

Outside of her work as a sensitivity reader, Ronnie focuses on ending cycles of violence by addressing the roots of oppression and discrimination through research, psychoeducation, social programming, mindfulness training, and consultation services. The majority of the clients at her practice are trans and gender non-conforming. Ronnie identifies as a trans woman of colour and an immigrant settler in Turtle Island.

Order your copy of Shelley Thompson's Roar
Follow this link to order from the publisher:

TD Connected Community Moment
Here are a couple of book recommendations from our guest, Ronnie. Both are written by trans BIPOC femmes. Check them out: 

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Creators and Guests

Cyn Sweeney
Cyn Sweeney
Co-founder, Writer and Producer TCS and Hey, Cis! podcasts
Connor Sampson
Connor Sampson
Episodic Podcast Producer with Podstarter
Ronnie Ali
Ronnie Ali
Ronnie Ali, a Registered Psychotherapist, Diversity and Wellness Consultant in the arts and entertainment production, a Trauma-Informed Practice Specialist with Challenge Accepted, and Clinical Supervisor at the Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy. Due to these exceptional qualifications and her insightful nature, Ronnie was chosen to be a sensitivity reader for Roar, and worked closely with Shelley Thompson to deliver a narrative that felt respectful, gripping, and authentic to the trans experience.
SGF Inclusion
SGF Inclusion
Beyond Binary inclusion education 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 Host of the Hey Cis! and Trans Canada Stories Podcasts🎙
An Inside Look at Sensitivity in Queer Art
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